Zong Monthly Super Offer
Zong Monthly Super Offer Overview
Zong Monthly super Offer provides users with a hassle-free Internet experience throughout the month. This package includes 30 GB internet (including 6 GB YouTube and 4GB WhatsApp), 5000 SMS and zong minutes, and 450 minutes off-net for Rs. For 30 days, 1299 Rs.
How To Subscribe:
Subscribing to the Monthly Super Offer Package is easy. To activate the Monthly Super Offer, dial *4567# but be aware that you must have the required amount on your account.
How to unsubscribe from
You don’t need to enter any additional codes to cancel this Package after the validity period has ended.
Why Choose Zong Monthly Super Offer?
Monthly Super Offers are a great option for people who want to keep in touch with their family and friends throughout the month, without having to worry about running out of talk time or data. You can use your phone to the fullest extent possible with its generous allocations of data and talk-time. The Package is also affordable and offers great value.
Zong Monthly Special Offer is a great option for users who use a lot of data and talktime and are looking for a convenient and affordable way to stay connected all month. This package offers great value with its fast internet speed, generous talk and data allocations and affordable price. What are you waiting? Subscribe today to the Monthly Super offer and enjoy hassle-free Internet for the whole month! You can also check Month Supreme
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