Zong Monthly Karachi LBC
Zong Monthly Karachi LBC Overview
Zong Monthly Karachi LBC is a great internet package which offers its users a lot of value for their money. This package is perfect for Karachi residents as it includes some features that are tailored specifically to their needs.
Karachi LBC monthly offers unlimited Zong minutes and 1,000 SMS for just Rs 238 per 30 days. This package can be used anywhere in Pakistan.
Send “KHI” 522 to subscribe. Subscribe to this package on the Zong website, or by using the My Zong App.
If you’re wondering why Monthly Karachi LBC is better than other packages, the answer is very simple. This package was designed to meet the needs of Karachi residents. This package is location-based, so you only pay for data used in Karachi. It’s a cost-effective choice. You can also check Weekly Mehran.
Zong Monthly Karachi LBC offers a great internet package at a very good price. This package is ideal for Karachi residents, as it offers fast internet service and location-based billing. Send “KHI” from your Zong phone number to 522 or go to the Zong website, My Zong or My Zong App to subscribe.
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