
Pomegranate Price in Pakistan | 22 January 2025 | Anar Rate in Pakistan

As of January 2025, the Today Pomegranate Price in Pakistan is between Rs. 190-550 per 1 KG, depending on the quality, size, and variety.

Pomegranate Price in Pakistan

IN January 2025 |
Pomegranate Price in Pakistan

Pomegranate: A Fruit of Prosperity in Pakistan

Pomegranate, or Punica granatum, is a delicious and nutritious fruit that has been grown in Pakistan for centuries. The pomegranate, with its rich cultural significance and adaptability to Pakistan’s climate, is an ideal crop. This article will give a comprehensive overview on pomegranate production in Pakistan. It will cover topics ranging from general information to harvest management.

General Information

Pomegranate belongs to the family of Lythraceae and is a deciduous small tree or shrub. It is native to South Asia and the Middle East, but is widely grown in Pakistan. Pomegranate contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It is a healthy and nutritious snack.


Pomegranate is subtropical and thrives in hot, dry climates. In Pakistan, pomegranate grows in tropical and subtropical areas, where temperatures range from 15degC up to 35degC. The ideal temperature range for pomegranate production is between 20degC to 30degC.


Pomegranate grows on a variety of soils. However, it prefers fertile, well-drained soils that have a pH range between 6.0 and 7. The soil should have a high organic matter content and a good capacity to hold water.

Popular Varieties and Their Yield

In Pakistan, pomegranate trees are grown.

  • Kandhari : Known for high yields (20-25 kg/tree), sweet, juicy arils.
  • Dandhari : This variety is known for its high yield (15-20kg/tree) as well as its sweet, crunchy arils.
  • Alandi: This variety is known for its high yield (10-15kg/tree) as well as its sweet, soft arils.
  • Ganesh: This variety is known for its high yield (15-20kg/tree) as well as its sweet, juicy arils.

Land Preparation

Before planting pomegranate the land must be thoroughly prepared. The soil should be plowed down to a depth between 30-40 cm. This is followed by manuring and leveling.


Pomegranate is usually propagated by seeds or cuttings. The seeds should be planted in a nursery and the seedlings transplanted into the field after 6-12 months.


  • When to Sow: The best time to sow pomegranate seed is between February and April.
  • Spacing – The spacing between pomegranate tree is usually 4-6 meters.
  • Sowing depth: The typical sowing depth of pomegranate seed is 2-3 cm.
  • Sowing Method: Pomegranate seed can be sown in a nursery or directly in the field.


In pomegranate orchards, intercropping can be used to increase productivity and reduce erosion. Intercrops that are suitable include herbs, vegetables, and legumes.


Pomegranate trees need regular fertilization to keep them productive. Annually, a balanced fertilizer (10-10-10 NPK, for example) should be applied, followed by a test of the soil to determine the tree’s nutrient needs.

Weed Control

To reduce competition for nutrients and water, pomegranate orchards must be weed-free. Weeds are controlled by mulching, herbicides or manual removal.


Pomegranate trees need regular irrigation, particularly during the fruiting phase. During the summer, trees should be watered every 7-10 days.

Plant Protection

Pomegranate trees can be susceptible to a variety of pests and diseases including aphids (whiteflies), fungal infections, and fungi. Regular monitoring and integrated pest control practices can help control pests and diseases.


Pomegranate fruit is usually harvested between September to November. The fruits must be picked when they are mature, as the fruit does not ripen once harvested.


Pomegranate fruits must be handled with care after harvesting to avoid damage. To maintain the quality of the fruits, they should be stored in a dry, cool place.

In conclusion, the pomegranate in Pakistan is a valuable crop, which offers numerous benefits to farmers, consumers and the environment. Following the guidelines in this article will help farmers maximize their pomegranate production, improve their fruit quality, and increase their profitability.

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