
Orange Price in Pakistan | 22 January 2025

As of January 2025, the Today Orange Price in Pakistan is between Rs. 190-330 per 1 Dozen , depending on the quality, size, and variety.

Orange Price in Pakistan

IN January 2025 |
Orange Price in Pakistan

Keenu : A Profitable Citrus Crop in Pakistan

Keenu is a hybrid between King and Willow Leaf Mandarin. It is a very popular citrus fruit in Pakistan. It is widely grown in Pakistan due to its high production, disease resistance and market demand. This article will give a comprehensive overview on Kinnow cultivation in Pakistan. It will cover topics ranging from general information to harvest management.

General Information

Keenu is a sweet and juicy citrus fruit that’s rich in flavonoids and vitamin C. It is a cross of King (Citrus Nobilis) and Willow Leaf mandarin (Citrus Delicia), developed in the 1930s. Keenu is a widely-grown crop in Pakistan, especially in the Punjab region. It is a major commercial crop.


Keenu is subtropical and thrives in Pakistan. It needs a cool winter, and a warm season. Keenu cultivation is best done between 10degC and 35degC. The crop is sensitive in extreme temperatures, frost and waterlogging.


Keenu can grow on a variety of soils. It prefers fertile, well-drained soils that have a pH between 6 and 7. The crop is not tolerant of waterlogging or salinity.

Popular Varieties and Their Yield

Keenu : It is the main fruit of Punjab. Fruits are golden orange in color. Juice is sweet, slightly acidic and has a rich flavor. Fruit is ready for harvesting in January.

Local: Fruits are grown in small pockets throughout Punjab. Fruits are small or medium in size. The skin is a cadmium-yellow color. Fruits are ready for harvesting in December and January.

PAU Keenu -1: The fruit reaches maturity in the month of January. The fruit contains between 0 and 9 seeds. It produces an average of 45kilo per plant.

Daisy: The fruit reaches maturity in the third week of November. The fruit contains between 10 and 15 seeds. It produces an average of 57kilo per plant.

Land Preparation

Before planting Kinnow the land must be thoroughly prepared. The soil should be plowed down to a depth between 30-40 cm. This is followed by manuring and leveling.

Seed and Sowing

Keenu is propagated by nursery-raised seeds. The seedlings need to be planted in a well-prepared soil with a spacing between 6-8 meters.


In Keenu orchards, intercropping can be used to increase productivity and reduce erosion. Intercrops that are suitable include herbs, vegetables, and legumes.

Pruning and Training

Keenu trees need to be pruned and trained regularly to maintain their shape and productivity. The trees should be pruned every year to remove dead, damaged, or diseased branches.


To maintain productivity, Keenu trees need regular fertilization. An annual application of a balanced fertilizer (10-10-10 NPK, for example) is recommended, along with a soil analysis to determine what nutrients the trees require.

Weed Control

To reduce the competition for nutrients and water, Keenu orchards must control weeds. Mulching, herbicides or manual removal can control weeds.


The Keenu trees require regular irrigation during their fruiting phase. In the summer, the trees should be watered once every 7-10 days.

Plant Protection

Citrus canker, fruit flies, and citrus leaf miners are all pests and diseases that affect Keenu trees. Regular monitoring and integrated pest control practices can help control pests and diseases.


Usually, Keenu fruits are harvested between December to February. Fruits should be picked when mature, as they will not ripen further after harvest.


After harvesting Keenu fruits, they should be handled with care to avoid damage. To maintain the quality of the fruits, they should be stored in a dry, cool place.

Keenu is a highly profitable citrus crop that requires careful planning, management and attention to details. Farmers can increase their yields and improve their fruit quality by following the guidelines in this article.

Check More prices of Fruits

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