Jazz Monthly Freedom
Jazz Monthly Freedom Overview
With Jazz Monthly Freedom Package, customers get 100 GB of internet Data with 2000 all network Minutes in just Rs 1564 for 30 days. To activate this package, dial subscription code *733#
Monthly Freedom is a great option for those users who looking for an affordable and comprehensive prepaid monthly package. It offers an affordable amount of data, minutes, and SMS at a very reasonable price.
You can also check : Monthly Max
Terms & Conditions
- Jazz and Warid user can avail this offer.
- The offer is non-recursive. You need to dial *733# every time to avail of this offer.
- All minutes will expire at 23.59 on the last day of the package.
- You can use Minutes/sms/ at any time.
- Limited time offer
- No call setup charges required
- Multiple subscriptions allowed
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